Can fallen angels ever go back? - Quora

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Would the four horsemen of the apocalypse as explained biblically in the Book of Revelations have been actual angels of God or fallen angels? - Quora

Is Zarathos, the fallen angel that possesses Johnny Blaze, more powerful than Mephistopheles, A.K.A. 'The Devil'? - Quora

Will the angels that followed Satan to hell ever have a chance to get back to heaven? - Quora

In the Book of Enoch, God was punishing the fallen angels, not man. He was saving man. What do you think? - Quora

Do people go to Hell or is Hell strictly for fallen angels? - Quora

How much power do fallen angels have? - Quora

Can fallen angels ever go back? - Quora

How did Lucifer lose his wings? - Quora

What are the names of fallen angels in the Bible? Why are they called 'fallen angels'? - Quora

If Angels have no free will, how did Satan disobey God? - Quora

What are the different ranks of angels? If there are different ranks, who or what would be at the top of them all? - Quora

In Diablo 4, why is Lilith the bad guy? I would rather be with Lilith than Inarius. - Quora

Why are fallen angels usually bad? - Quora

Do fallen angels exist? If so, why don't we see them today? - Quora

What or who is Lucifer? - Quora